Sunday, July 14, 2024

It’s time to talk about the Secret Service problem we saw yesterday *UPDATED*

 Andrea Widburg - American Thinker

"Preliminarily, let me say what I wrote yesterday: Trump’s near miss seems to have an element of Divine Providence to it, reminiscent of how George Washington invariably emerged from the heat of battle unscathed. Just sayin’. Now, to the topic at hand, which is the Secret Service’s performance before, during, and after the assassination attempt. It wasn’t good.

"Ironically, just yesterday, I finished reading Lee Child’s Without Fail, which was published in 2008. In it, Jack Reacher works with the female head of the Vice President’s Secret Service detail to help foil an assassination attempt. Unlike most Reacher novels, this one had no fistfights. Instead, it focuses tightly on what the Secret Service does to protect politicians.

"I don’t know what kind of research Child did, but the point he makes repeatedly—and it’s an obvious and intuitive one—is that the Secret Service must control the high ground. Every rooftop or high floor within range of a politician is a potential platform for an assassin.

"In Butler, Pennsylvania, however, not only did the Secret Service seemingly make no effort to control a rooftop within relatively easy shooting distance of a former president and current presidential candidate, but Secret Service agents also seemed disinterested in repeated warnings that a man with a gun had crawled on top of a building that gave him a clear shot at President Trump. This video shows the first eyewitness we heard from, but reports are that several other people saw the same thing and had the same response from Trump’s security detail—that is, no response:. . .

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