Monday, July 15, 2024

Staten Island GOP Member Puts Reporters in Their Place After They Suggest It's Trump's Fault He Was Shot

Under Democrats, mediocrity metastasizes into every nook and cranny of American culture: the media, entertainment, educators, recent Supreme Court Justices, government agencies including the President and his cabinet, the DOJ and Transportation....

Brandon Morse – RedState

"Things got heated at the Staten Island GOP conference after the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, and some members have been tearing reporters a new one as they attempt to place the blame for it on...Donald Trump. One fiery moment includes New York State Assemblyman Sam Pirozzolo, who got behind the podium to address accusations that Trump's own rhetoric is responsible for the attempt on his life and that the shooter was a registered Republican, something that the press has been attempting to use to absolve themselves of any blame. Taking the stage, Pirozzolo chided the reporters for suggesting that this is just more Republican violence."

. . ."There's nary a dull moment in the conference, and you can watch the full thing here

"Pirozzolo is correct. Once it was released that the shooter was a registered Republican, the media and many a leftist have been using it as an excuse to take all the heat off themselves. However, it's been discovered that while the shooter was indeed registered to the Republican Party, his donation history involves the leftist activist organization "ActBlue," The money was earmarked for the "Progressive Turnout Project," a radical left organization. He also made a donation to President Joe Biden on his inauguration day." . . . 

 Maybe more anti-Trumpers should register as Republicans? It seems to absolve them of all non-woke acts. TD

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