Monday, July 15, 2024

Dem Staffer Axed Over Vile Post About Trump's Near-Assassination After Newt Gingrich Sounds Alarm


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Newt Gingrich @newtgingrich Congressman Benny Thompson’s staffer Jacqueline Marsaw posted last night "I don't condone violence but please get you some shooting lessons so you don't miss next time ooops [sic] that wasn't me talking." She should be fired today. Thompson introduced the resolution to cut off secret service protection for President Trump. With staff like this the poison is deep.
How bad must Democrats hate us to support this guy?

“Bennie Thompson proposed legislation that would authorize removal of Secret Service protection from former presidents ‘upon sentencing following conviction for a federal or state offense that is punishable for a term of imprisonment of at least one year,’” it read.
. . ."

“This is the America we have now, divided between Americans who found the near-murder of a presidential candidate profoundly disturbing and Americans who are disappointed the shooter didn’t blow Donald Trump’s head open. A nation polarized so radically cannot sustain itself.”  Mark Tapson, Front Page Magazine

"The horrific event that occurred on Saturday in Butler, PA, has made the ideological and moral divide between Americans appallingly clear.  Those of us who are still reeling from what might have been are learning just how venal the Trump-hating left actually is.  What is coming out of their mouths and tweets is beyond shocking.  Sure, we’ve all known they loathe Trump and support the catastrophically diminished Biden but who knew just how conscienceless the left is today?" . . .   

. . ."Pundits on CNN and MSNBC, celebrities on X and all the other social media sites, are not shy with their glee that Trump was shot and that they are disappointed that he was not killed." . . .

. . ."Today’s Democrats are brazenly guilty of what psychologists call projection.  Attributing to their opponents the sins of which they themselves are guilty of.  Russian collusion, not Trump, Hillary.  Weaponizing government to jail political opponents, again, not Trump, Biden.  Censoring opposing viewpoints and declaring them “disinformation,” you guessed it, not Trump, Biden. 
 "Do you want to know what fascism really looks like?  This is it!  I’m not going to rehash all of the specifics here because I don’t think it’s necessary, but you get the picture, and this is just the tip of the iceberg." . . .

The same generation that wears cool designer scarfs and supports the murderers of families, killing children in front of their families. "But what about the "Palestinians", you ask? If not for the murders, destruction and rapes of Oct 7, this would never have happened. TD

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