Sunday, July 14, 2024

Here are some people who I''m sure would not mourn the death of Donald Trump

Religio-Political Talk
 Trump’s promise to ‘take over’ Washington is a dictator’s dream (MSNBC)

‘Trump is a threat to this nation’: Biden rips into former president during Detroit rally | Sky News Australia

Snopes Finally Debunks The “Very Fine People” Hoax, The Left Loses Its Collective Mind (  "Back in 2017, Kemberlee wrote a post debunking the lie that Trump said that neo-Nazis in Charlottesville are “very fine people.”

"It’s taken a long time, but Snopes finally got around to admitting that this statement — latched onto by the Biden campaign as well as by Democrats in Congress and on social media — was not only taken out of context but that he literally condemned neo-Nazis in the same response to a reporter’s question."

Anyone who believes claims made by Joe Biden has reached the highest plain of Gullibility. TD

Robert De Niro on The View:. . .“I don’t understand why people are not taking him seriously. You read about it historically in other countries that they didn’t take people seriously — Hitler, Mussolini,” De Niro said. “Who does not think that this guy is not gonna do exactly what he says he’s gonna do? He’s done it already.”. . .

Kamala Harris calls Trump a politician who ‘incites hate.’ - NYT

Stephen Colbert and his Trump jokes are getting annoying;  Colbert didn't like Trump's getting two scoops of ice cream.

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