Sunday, July 14, 2024

Leftists make the ludicrous assertion that the shooter was a Republican *UPDATE*

RealityBites by Broc Smith

 Leftists make the ludicrous assertion that the shooter was a Republican *UPDATE* - Andrea Widburg   "Democrats are very excited now that we know who the shooter was (although I won’t use his name to deny him the fame he obviously sought). This excitement is because he was...wait for it...a registered Republican! However, if you’ve paid any attention at all to the way in which Democrats have tried to game the 2024 Republican primaries, you’ll understand that the man’s political registration was meaningless. What’s meaningful is his words and how he spent his money.

"Harry Sisson, a very strange young man with a weird Biden fetish, was out in front with the news that a Republican was the one who tried to kill Trump: . . .

. . .  "Again, that’s not the act of an actual Republican.

"In the absence of more information, the best guess as to why the shooter registered as a Republican is that he intended to vote in the Republican primary. After all, Democrats didn’t have to vote in their own primary because the party made sure that Joe Biden was the chosen one. With that out of the way, the party faithful were told to go forth and mess with Republicans’ ability to pick their preferred presidential candidate:

  • New York Times: “Democrats Are Meddling in Republican Primaries”
  • AP: “Some Democrats voting in GOP primaries to block Trump picks”
  • Indiana Capital Chronicle: “New billboards urge Indiana Democrats to take Republican ballots in May primary”

"In states with open primaries, Democrats could simply elect to vote in the Republican primary. Indeed, in her home state of South Carolina, Nikki Haley targeted Democrats to block true Republicans from choosing their candidate.

"However, Pennsylvania, where the shooter lived and registered to vote, is a closed primary state. If you want to vote in a party primary, you must register with that party. And that’s almost certainly what the shooter did." . . .

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