Monday, October 29, 2012

The limits of American power

Caroline Glick; The limits of American power  "But from what was said, we can be fairly certain that a second Obama term will involve no departure from his foreign policy in his current term in office.
"As far as Iran and its nuclear weapons program is concerned, that policy has involved a combination of occasional tough talk and a relentless attempt to appease the mullahs."....   However Glick asserts that Romney's statements, though welcome, are out of date. And what about any change a Romney foreign policy would bring to the Iran situation?   "Romney would face intelligence, diplomatic and military establishments that at a minimum have been complicit in massive leaks of Israeli strike options against Iran and that have so far failed to present credible military options for a US strike against Iran's uranium enrichment sites and other nuclear installations.
"He would face a hostile media establishment that firmly and enthusiastically supports Obama's policy of relentless appeasement and has sought to discredit as a warmonger and a racist every politician who has tried to make the case that Iran's nuclear weapons program constitutes an unacceptable threat to US national security."

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