Thursday, June 20, 2013

2016: Can America Afford An Over- the-Hill Lefty and Her Meandering Hubby Back in White House?

Will you let your daughter become a White House intern then?
John W. Lillpop
"After Obama’s disastrous speech in Germany following his pummeling at the hands of Super Bowl ring thief and Russian hit man Vladimir Putin, the world is surely asking: How was this man elected in the first place, and how in the hell was he re-elected?

"Is this what the once-great America has come to?

"Great questions, those! In answer, America needs to cull out pretenders and naïve community organizers from the pool of candidates offered as presidential candidates in the future.

"Our nation also needs to get over the Rock Star phenomenon when electing presidents!"

Lets see how the Clintons are viewed in this former Soviet republic called Abkhazia:

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