Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Bundy: Obama's Jump-the-Shark

Lloyd Marcus   "When the embrace-our-consensus-or-die bunch tried to destroy Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson, we the people rallied around Phil and said, “Heck no!”
Who could have imagined that a humble rancher taking a stand against tyranny would inspire millions to said, “Heck no!” across America?

"This is why I ignore the gloom-and-doomers who say all is lost, why continue fighting, Obama has all the power and the MSM, yada, yada, yada.

"Evil is masterful at appearing all-powerful.  Cultural rot is all over the airwaves.  Obama rules as king with very little push-back from the GOP.  The MSM has suspended all pretense of being fair and balanced.  They are a wing of the Democratic Party, committed to helping Obama fundamentally transform America."

"But under the radar, patriots are stealthily working and fighting to restore our great nation.

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