Monday, April 2, 2018

Hogg, and the MSM continue their war on conservative opinion

Hogg may have been thrust into the public arena, but he has chosen to wallow in it and exploit it for his own far-left ideological agenda.  Laura Ingraham may have been arguably rude, for which she has apologized.  Yet she is right.  David Hogg is a foul-mouthed whiner and hypocrite who touts his free speech rights while seeking to deny that right to others: . . .    Daniel John Sobieski
A.F. Branco illustrates who's really calling shots on students' anti-gun protests
Boss Hogg and His Ingraham Angle  . . . "Parenthetically, young Mr. Hogg's mother, Rebecca Boldrick, is an ardent anti-Trumper with frequent Facebook posts sliming our 45th president, one of which has a picture of son David sitting at a CNN anchor desk during a studio tour.  It might be assumed that her son started with a similar anti-Trump bias even before the shooting.  You did not hear from Hogg at the recent March for Our Lives, or any other speaker, that neither the march nor the burial of 17  Parkland victims would have been necessary but for the failure of law enforcement agencies to do the jobs assigned to them.

"There is plenty to criticize about David Hogg's actions and statements, yet that is not permitted.  Hogg is permitted to slander and slime anybody from the president on down.  If you disagree with him, blood is on your hands.  But don't dare mock one of his tweets, as Fox News host Laura Ingraham did.  The tragedy at Parkland has somehow transformed Hogg into an oracle we must honor and worship even as he ironically seeks to transform America into a gun-free zone.  In a rhetorical sense, he has become bullet-proof:" . . .

‘Lacks A Basic Understanding’ — Kyle Kashuv Takes On David Hogg In Epic Tweetstorm   
"Conservative Parkland student Kyle Kashuv went on a tweet storm about David Hogg on Friday that will have pro-Second Amendment Americans cheering."

American Thinker gives us many sources of conservative commentary on this and other issues. TD

David Hogg called 'nasty and VILE' by classmate whose sister died in Parkland massacre
Here is the Twitter feed between Hogg, Patrick Petty, Chelsea Handler and others including CNN itself:
. . . "Then there was the case of Hunter Pollack, another Parkland massacre survivor, whose sister Meadow was murdered in the killing spree - he was denied a speaking slot and shut out at the March for our Lives, because his views weren't deemed worthy of the big-dollar leftwing organizers who put the event on, despite being far closer to the horror that happened, than either Hogg or his sidekick, Emma Gonzalez. both of whom got prime speaking slots. Kashuv was denied, too." . . .

If Fox News cancels Laura Ingraham, it might as well close the network
Long after David Hogg’s fame has faded, attempts to deplatform conservatives and destroy Fox News will continue

"There is an all out assault in progress trying to drive Laura Ingraham off television and radio, led by Parkland student and newly-minted media star David Hogg.
"Ingraham is a target, superficially, because she mocked Hogg as a whiner in a tweet after he publicly griped that several colleges had rejected him. On the scale of internet insults, saying that someone is “whining” doesn’t even register it’s so mild.
"I don’t believe for a second that any of the outrage against Ingraham is actually a result of what she said. It’s all contrived, or the result of pressure, and part of a political power play.
"Certainly, what Ingraham said doesn’t come close to the vile accusations regularly made by Hogg against people who disagree with him on gun control. Hogg is so fundamentalist and absolutist that all his opponents are reduced to demons in his rhetoric.
 . . . 
"Hogg is the excuse to try to deplatform Ingraham, but he’s not the reason. The reason this is happening is that groups like Media Matters have fought a decade-long battle to deplatform conservatives in media by pressuring advertisers.
"I explored the history and tactics in my April 19, 2017 post, Here’s why Rush survived pressure on advertisers while O’Reilly didn’t:" . . .
It’s not about Laura Ingraham or David Hogg — it’s about an unhinged and emboldened totalitarian movement that seeks to deplatform conservatives. Their primary target for a decade has been Fox News, which is the one non-liberal network in a sea of liberal major media.
Sacrificing Laura Ingraham won’t satiate the beast. If Fox News cancels Laura Ingraham over this faux outrage about her tweet, then Fox News might as well close the network.

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