Saturday, December 22, 2018

The shutdown is as fake as most of the news Official Washington reports.

Don Surber

. . . "But everyone knows that is BS. Some government offices will close, some government employees will stay home, and Congress will make sure they get back pay. Anywhere else that is called a vacation.
"This means the Post's precious advertisers will stay in business.
"The shutdown is as fake as most of the news Official Washington reports.
"President Trump's plan is simple. Shut the government down when the holidays have closed the offices anyway. Only 6 of the first 15 days of the shutdown are workdays.
"Besides, not much of the government gets shut down.
"NPR reported, "Three-quarters of the government will not be affected, because budget bills funding those operations had already been approved. But the remaining 25 percent subject to the shutdown includes Homeland Security, Justice, Commerce, Interior, Agriculture, Housing and Urban Development, and Transportation departments.
" 'Even among those affected, some personnel are deemed essential and will be expected to report to work without pay, for now. That includes FBI officers, Border Patrol agents and Transportation Security Administration agents — during one of the busiest travel periods of the year. In the past, however, Congress has approved back pay for furloughed federal workers.' " . . .

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