Thursday, March 7, 2019

"I spoke to the creators of Belgium’s anti-Semitic carnival float. They’re not sorry."

The Belgians fought the Nazis valiantly during the WW2 occupation by Hitler. But one needs to be aware that many of them joined the Nazi SS to fight alongside Himmler, Hitler, and Goering. TD

Jewish Telegraphic Agency

"I initially had some sympathy for the creators of an anti-Semitic carnival float in Belgium.
"Studying their CVs and past creations for the annual carnival of Aalst, I saw that they were a group of some 20 upstanding citizens — a fireman, a technician, an Education Ministry official and a police department employee, to name a few. They had invested countless unpaid hours to produce something they thought was beautiful but ended up horrifying viewers all over the world.
"Their creation, which they unveiled Sunday at Belgium’s most celebrated carnival, featured two huge puppets depicting pink-clad haredi Orthodox Jews. One of them leers while smoking a cigar, a rat perched on his shoulder. Against a synagogue facade, the puppets have money bags at their feet. A platform following the float carried revelers dressed like the puppets who danced to a song about “bulging coffers” and “Jews getting extra fat.' ” . . .

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