Thursday, May 16, 2019

Rep. Jordan Wants Cummings, Waters To RELEASE Their SECRET Memo That Calls For Trump Attacks!

The Political Insider  "Rep. Jim Jordan, House Oversight and Reform ranking member called out Rep. Elijah Cummings, Chairman, by sending him a letter demanding the release of a non-public memo that he and Rep. Maxine Waters wrote up in regards to their strategy to go after President Trump." . . .
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"This is crazy! It looks as if Cummings and Waters are conspiring or can we use the Democrat’s word, colluding to subvert the president in coordinated attacks. I should think this can be seen as illegal and better yet; they could face charges from the Justice Department. Wouldn’t that be sweet?
You have sought to avoid public scrutiny of your quest to obtain the President’s financial information. First, you wrote to Mazars in secret to request the President’s financial information; second, you executed a nonpublic MOU to coordinate with Chairwoman Waters; and finally, you broke your promise to hold a public business meeting to debate a subpoena to Mazars. Your nonpublic MOU has now become a matter of significant public interest due to your unprecedented actions.
In the interest of promoting the utmost transparency about the Committee’s business, I encourage you to release publicly your MOU with Chairwoman Waters and any other signed or unsigned MOUs that you have entered into so that the American people can understand the extent to which you and other Democrat chairpersons are engaged in an orchestrated effort to attack the President for political gain.

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