Monday, November 9, 2020

They don’t want unity; they want submission

Patriot Retort

Do they think we can’t remember that the Obama Administration corrupted the peaceful transfer of power, set up Mike Flynn, spied on Trump campaign and transition people? And the media was complicit?! Do they think we’ve forgotten the lives they destroyed and the people they defamed?

. . . "These guys are compiling blacklists.

"Their vile attacks against Trump supporters haven’t slowed in the least; in fact, they continue apace.

"You’d have to be the most naïve sap on the Planet to believe their calls for unity are on the up-and-up.

"I featured this tweet from the wretched Michelle Obama in my post “There is no joy in their victory, only rage and revenge.” I’m not surprised Kurt added it to his #UnityWatch.

"One can’t help but wonder if their calls for unity are in reality demands for submission.

"Submit to us and we’ll unite with you, otherwise, you’re a racist who supports lies, hate, chaos and division!

Ben Shapiro
Joe Biden is calling for unity. That’s nice. I look forward to his condemnation of Michelle Obama, who suggested that 70 million Americans who didn’t vote for Biden supported “lies, hate, chaos and division” in order to vote for the “status quo.”

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