Sunday, April 21, 2024

Marg bar, masks, and mania; Anti-war activists in Chicago learn to chant “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” in Farsi.

"One can understand if the crowd in the Chicago video was hiding behind masks out of shame for their wishing death on others.  That they are hiding behind masks out of likely exaggerated fear for their own hides, one cannot.  It’s time to stop indulging self-centered advocates of terrorists chanting their own death wishes." 

John M. Grondelski - American Thinker   "Last weekend, as Iranian missiles descended on Israel, some Americans were standing with terrorism.  Social media featured a Chicago group happily being taught Persian phrases for “Death to Israel!” They even asking how to add “Death to America!”

 "Think about that: people in America wishing – and wanting to know how to wish – “death to America!”

"Most commentators on that video noted that paradox.  None noted two other things in the video.

"The first is “what does it mean?”  After the crowd enthusiastically chants those slogans, somebody finally asks, “what does it mean?”  One might have expected that question to come first, but at least it came out.  What’s telling is the leader’s response (at 0:40).  He says it has two meanings, “depending on who’s asking.”  Marg bar can mean “death to” or “down with.” 

"Depending on who’s asking,  I guess “down with” can include “six feet down under.”

"That word game is not new.  Apologists for leftist supporters of the “Iranian revolution” have played that verbal shell game for years, insisting that fanatical crowds chanting marg bar Amrika!  were merely proponents of a multipolar world.

"My second observation on the video are the masks.  Almost everybody in that video is masked.  I count at least nine." . . .

Agitator behind ‘Death to America’ chants in Chicago contributes to Iran state TV, Hezbollah-linked channel (

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