Monday, May 13, 2024

Joe Biden and the return of the Carter foreign policy

Joe Biden Runs Like a Scared Dog From His Pro-Hamas Position, As His Political Fortunes Sour   "Leave it to Joe Biden, the worst foreign policy mind in American history, to also manage to take the cake domestically. 

"In perhaps the dumbest political move in decades, the president recently pledged to cut off arms shipments to Israel while demanding they not enter Rafah to finish off Hamas. Biden did so in an ill-fated attempt to appease his far-left flank, which is populated by woke "pro-Palestinians" who've never met an Islamist they didn't like. 

"As I wrote recently, that worked about as well as expected. Namely, it didn't work at all and they still hate him." . . . 
One Look at Biden's Top Advisor Explains His Support for Hamas  "After protecting thousands of Hamas terrorists in the southern Gaza City of Rafah last week and kneecapping Israeli's ability to win the war against the Iranian backed group, it's becoming clear who is driving President Joe Biden's betrayal of Israel and rewarding those who carried out the horrific October 7 attacks. 
"National Security Council Coordinator for Intelligence and Defense Policy and Deputy Assistant to the President Maher Bitar is driving this policy." . . . 

BOMBSHELL: Biden Administration Has Been Hiding Intel on Location of Hamas Leaders in Betrayal of Israel – RedState     "Joe Biden has been hiding intelligence on the whereabouts of Hamas leaders and their command tunnels, depriving Israel of vital information that could lead to an end to the war. That revelation came in a report on Saturday and was framed as the administration offering that information now if the ongoing operation in Rafah is canceled." . . . 

"I am shocked and sickened by reports that the U.S. is withholding from Israel vital information on the whereabouts of senior Hamas leaders in Gaza. Is the administration still our ally?"
Michael Oren
Former Israeli Ambassador to the U.S.

So embarrassing for Israel to be coupled with such silly allies as have come from the U.S.

'Would Strengthen Hamas' -- Cameron Says UK Will Continue Arming Israel (  "In an interview on Sky News’ Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips Show, Foreign Minister David Cameron said that cutting off weapons shipments to Israel is “not a wise path” noting that the last time he faced public pressure to do so “a few days later there was a massive Iranian attack on Israel, including 140 cruise missiles.”

“ 'If I announced that today, it might help me get through this television interview, but actually it would strengthen Hamas. It would weaken Israel,” Lord Cameron said.

“ 'I think it probably makes a hostage deal less likely. So I don’t think some sort of political declaration is the right answer. We should stick with our rigorous process of making sure we act within the law.' ” . . .

Foreign Secretary David Cameron, calls out the BBC “They [Hamas] are terrorists, if you kidnap grandmothers, kidnap babies, you rape people, you shoot children in front of their parents, what more do they need to do for the BBC to say look these are terrorists?”


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