Friday, September 7, 2012

A Tale of Two Conventions

RealClearPolitics.  "This is why the Republicans invested so much time and effort trying to reintroduce their party. It’s a rebranding effort, and I suspect it was meant to pre-empt any attempts to tie Romney/Ryan to the unpopular Bush administration, as well as to inoculate the ticket against a generic “Do you really want to put the Republicans in charge?” argument. I don’t think it was particularly successful, but that is what I think is going on."

On the Democrat convention, the writer, Sean Trende, says: 
Barack Obama’s win in 2008 was based in large part upon this outsized enthusiasm, especially among young voters and minority voters (Latinos in particular). I don’t think he can win if Republicans have a significant edge in enthusiasm on Election Day, especially if the gap persists among Latino voters. This is precisely why almost every speaker mentioned the DREAM Act, while the somewhat surprising emphasis on abortion is probably an attempt to draw more young, single women to the voting booths.
 Political Cartoons by Robert Ariail

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