Friday, September 7, 2012

Reading list on President Obama's speech at the Thursday DNC

Sweetness and Light; AP ‘Fact Checks’ Obama And Biden Speeches   Here is just one point among several: "...In other words, Obama intends to borrow money to pay for the money we’ve borrowed.  But notice that the AP fails to spell out that no one projected the Iraq and Afghanistan wars would go on for another ten years. So they were never part of any real budget. So there cannot be any peace dividend like there was with the (supposed) end of the Cold War."
From the Council on Foreign Relations; Obama's Speech at the Democratic National Convention, September 2012

PowerLine; What a mess of pottage. What a crashing bore.  "....It made me think about what Obama will have on offer for “Vladimir” with the “flexibility” of a second term. Hey, moron, at least Romney knows “Vladimir’s” Russia ain’t our friend."

; Obama at the DNC: That’s it?    "It would have been better had he not spoken. Seriously."....
"Since it is his own campaign that is irredeemably negative and petty he really has no claim to the high ground."

NRO; Hopeless   "President Obama is a candidate who disdains his opponents, harbors an unjustified esteem for his own political talents and policy wisdom, and has no real sense of the challenges of the day. Romney owes it to the country to beat him, and it ought to be doable."

Charles Krauthammer; Obama and the Empathy Gap   "The problem with swallowing the “he cares, therefore he does” line is that it so plainly contradicts what we’ve seen over the last four years. Barack Obama is a deeply committed social democrat who laid out an unashamedly left-liberal agenda at the very beginning of his presidency and then proceeded to try to enact it."
Political Cartoons by Chuck Asay

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