Sunday, July 12, 2015

Hillary’s Headache, Trump's odds

 We don't want a radical leftist, big government socialist, communist-kissing, groveling wimp for president. We want Hillary! TD
Bernie Sanders can cause her a lot of pain. 
" Bernie Sanders, the socialist senator from Vermont, is surging in the polls against Hillary Clinton. A Quinnipiac University survey has him within 20 points in Iowa, while three of the last four polls have found him within 15 points in New Hampshire. Judging by state polls alone, Sanders is in about as good a spot vis-à-vis Clinton as Barack Obama was at this point in 2007. So perhaps it is time to ask whether Sanders can pull off a similar upset."

"Probably not. Clinton should win, but Sanders could give her a headache whose effects last through the general election.

"The Clinton-Sanders contest has rekindled an old tension in the Democratic party. On one side are professional politicians in charge of maintaining the coalition in government. They are progressive, but they generally like the status quo and will bargain with Wall Street, health insurance companies, and other leftist bugaboos (so long as they cough up campaign contributions). On the other are left-wing activists who want to upend the status quo by reducing the role of money in politics, corralling corporate America, and radically redistributing income.

"Interestingly, a large portion of Democrats do not fall cleanly on either side. Working-class whites, African Americans, and Latinos are all major players in Democratic primary politics, yet none is a main combatant in this struggle. It is a quarrel among socioeconomically upscale whites. While average Democrats tell pollsters they prefer left-wing policies, historically they have backed establishment candidates." . . .

There Will NEVER Be a President Trump  "Before one more straight-faced political story is written about the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump, the obvious begs to be stated: The man has absolutely no chance of winning.   Zero. Nada."

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