Saturday, August 10, 2024

Kamala Harris Colluded With Planned Parenthood to Cover Up Aborted Baby Part Sales


LifeNews   "Five newly-released undercover videos show Texas-based Planned Parenthood abortionists describing how they abort late-term babies alive and then dismember them to avoid the federal partial-birth abortion law and then sell the baby body parts for profit. Liberty Counsel’s client Sandra Merritt, and David Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress, filmed the videos in 2015 during an undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood. Then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris investigated and charged Merritt and Daleiden while the videos were blocked from public release by a court order. The videos have now been released after a congressional subpoena cleared the way for public viewing.

"In March 2024, a U.S. Congressional panel held an independent hearing for the purpose of “investigating the black market of baby organ harvesting” through abortion. During the hearing, independent investigator David Daleiden presented graphic videos and testimony on how the “industrial-scale abortion business” brokers lucrative deals for fetal organs taken from live babies by dismembering viable babies in utero to “skirt” partial-birth abortion laws. On July 30, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who chaired the panel, released the full versions of the subpoenaed videos.

"The videos reveal two conversations between undercover reporters and Planned Parenthood officials at the 2015 National Abortion Federation commercial trade show. In one video, Dr. Ann Schutt-Aine, the Chief Medical Officer of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, explained how to keep baby body parts intact while avoiding violating partial birth abortion (PBA) law, which prohibits killing a baby if any part of its body below the navel is outside the mother’s body." . . .

Kamala Harris Ordered Raid on Undercover Journalist Who Exposed Planned Parenthood’s Sale of Baby Parts, Seized Videos to Block Their Release to the Public   . . ."Instead of investigating Planned Parenthood's illegal activities, Harris launched a criminal investigation against Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), which has continued for nearly nine years.

"This was not just an attack on a journalist but an attack on the First Amendment and the right of the public to know the truth about what goes on behind the closed doors of abortion clinics. Harris's actions were a clear attempt to protect her political allies at Planned Parenthood, even as evidence of illegal activity mounted." . . .

Next: did they check out her roof ? Remember this is for Kamala!  U.S. Secret Service Breaks into Massachusetts Hair Salon and Tapes Over Security Camera, Allegedly to Let People Use the Bathroom During Kamala Harris Fundraiser   . . ."However, what transpired next left Powers feeling violated and betrayed. According to Powers, Secret Service agents took it upon themselves to enter her locked salon, use her bathroom, and tamper with her security cameras—all without her consent.

"Security footage obtained by Business Insider showed a female Secret Service agent taping over the lens of a Ring security camera located at the salon’s entrance.

"The agents then proceeded to break into the salon, triggering the security alarm and using the facilities for nearly two hours before leaving the building completely unsecured." . . .

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