Monday, September 2, 2024

DNC Crowd Chants 'Bring Them Home' for Parents of American-Israeli Son Held by Hamas—but Miss the Point

  Becca Lower – RedState  . . ."Rachel said that her son's "left forearm, his dominant arm was blown off, before he was loaded onto a pickup truck--and stolen from his life, and me and Jon, into Gaza. That was 320 days ago." You can see the number signified on the parents' clothing.

Never forget those pro-Hamas people who ripped down these posters.

"Anyone with a beating heart feels for this family, and all of the loved ones of the hostages. But they and the crowd at the convention missed the plot on two crucial points: 

"Near the end of the remarks, father Jon insisted that there could be some "Kumbaya" scenario that spares the citizens of Gaza. Again, you feel for the pain he must be going through, but the notion that Israel is responsible for what happens to civilians in Gaza has been debunked over and over again. Hamas makes its bases in civilian areas, which the IDF must bomb to kill the terrorists and destroy their hideouts." . . .

"I get the emotion of wanting to root for the family, and for all of the loved ones of the hostages. But they fall down when they insist the solution is to look to the Democrats and Kamala Harris as the potential next president to bring their son home. It's total delusion to keep pretending that Harris has not been a heartbeat away from the presidency for nearly four years. 

"This is the administration that has done nothing but thwart Israel's ability to end the war quickly. Biden blasted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly over his policy towards Hamas, and more recently placed a hold on shipments of weapons to Israel. I wrote about White House national security advisor John Kirby, just the other day, lashing out at a Netanyahu cabinet minister who rightly called out the U.S.-brokered ceasefire plan as a joke. Nothing would be different with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. The best bet for all Americans is to hope former President Donald Trump can regain the White House, and actually respect our ally in its quest to defeat the terror group once and for all--and bring the hostages home."

Netanyahu Vows to Destroy Hamas after IDF Recovers Bodies of Slain Hostages | National Review  

“I say to the Hamas terrorists who murdered our hostages and I say to their leaders: You will pay the price,” Netanyahu pronounced. “We will not rest, nor will be silent. We will pursue you, we will find you, and we will settle accounts with you . . . We saw the inconceivable brutality of the Hamas murderers on October 7 and we have seen it again in the tunnels under Rafah. The fact that Hamas is continuing to perpetrate atrocities like those it carried out on October 7 requires us to do everything so that it will be unable to perpetuate these atrocities again.”

Sadly, Hamas knows that thousands of scarf people on the streets and campuses rally in support of them, chanting the "Death to..." chants taught them by those Iranian mentors.

A year after Richard Lakin, a 76-year-old retired Connecticut elementary school principal, was brutally murdered, Senator Kamala Harris visited the terror university that had honored his killer.
Below: be careful, as these will be disturbing, yet so many college students chant in support of these men and what they have done:
'Don't Look Away': Israel Releases Video of Hamas Atrocities at Music Festival

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