Monday, September 2, 2024

Fracking and Reparations: What say you, Kamala?

 Kamala Harris supporters can't say what her policies are after flip-flops (   "Supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris are rallying behind her campaign despite admitting that they can’t say where she stands on most big issues — as the Democratic nominee continues to flip-flop on major policies.

"Harris, 59, has reversed her stances on energy issues, health care and illegal immigration since replacing President Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket, in an apparent effort to make herself more electable to moderates in key swing states. 

"Harris’ abandoned policy positions include her pledges to eliminate private health insurance, decriminalize illegal border crossings, ban fracking for oil and natural gas, and ban the sale of new gas-powered cars by 2035 — each of those made in 2019 when the then-California senator was seeking the Democratic presidential nomination." . . .

Kamala the Chameleon

Kamala Harris goes all in on fracking in testy interview exchange - POLITICO
. . ."Still, the strategy may be flawed. At one point, she said the American people deserve to “turn the page on the last decade,” only to be reminded that three-and-a-half years of that decade were the Biden-Harris administration.
"Harris was less eager to discuss her own prior run for the presidency, during which she took a series of progressive stances that she has now disavowed. Asked what prompted her to change her mind on fracking in 2020, Harris would say only that she came to believe that “we can grow and we can increase a thriving clean energy economy without banning fracking.”
"She also offered little explanation of her shifts on immigration, an area where she once expressed support for decriminalizing the southern border.
" 'I believe there should be consequences,” Harris said. “We have laws that have to be followed and enforced.”
"Yet despite those changes, Harris maintained that her “values have not changed,” urging voters to focus on the broader ideals that she’s prioritized in her campaign rather than how her specific policies compare with the proposals she’d embraced five years ago.
"Harris adopted her more moderate stances when she joined the Biden ticket four years ago. But she hasn’t strayed much from the administration’s positioning since launching her own run, as her campaign tries to broaden its appeal beyond the Democratic base." . . .

“What did we see from Kamala Harris and Joe Biden? That they withheld critical military aid at a very important time. It is a disgrace. And you asked the question, Sean, is she fit to protect our national security interests and American citizens around the world? The answer is an overwhelming no,” the congresswoman added.
Next: Is President Kamala worth 800 Billion? Would you pay that to have her be President?

"Last May, a California reparations task force approved a package that, if passed by the legislature, would cost taxpayers an estimated $800 billion, or roughly 2 ½ times the state’s annual budget. In addition to cash compensation, the panel demanded a formal apology from the state and policy changes to “address various forms of racism.”

"In order to qualify for a payout, recipients “must be a descendant of enslaved or free Black people who were in the country by the end of the 19th century,” according to the New York Post." . . .  Black Californians warn Newsom of 'direct impact' on Harris after Democrats kill slave reparation bills | Fox News  

Case in point: DanDeQuille;  My family is from Ireland. We never owned, sold or profited from slavery. My ancestors suffered prejudice, why should I have to pay anything or have my tax dollars towards any of this.

 Protests erupt at California state capitol after reparations bills shelved | Fox News

Are we talking about Maxine Waters-style rioting and burning?

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