Monday, September 23, 2024

Please do not interrupt; I'm speaking!



'Nobody Trust Oprah': Oprah’s Kamala Harris Interview Sparks Chaos from Trump Fanatics, Forcing Her to Lock Down Comments (

(Excerpt). . ."However, the comment section quickly devolved into a battleground for political rhetoric, with Trump supporters flooding in. “One billionaire and one millionaire telling us we can’t trust the Rich,” read one comment, while another added, “This will be a pass. No more respect for Oprah and never had any for Kamala.” "Fanatics" = voters; TD

Kamala Harris hit for being vague, dodging questions in recent interviews: 'She owes us these answers' | Fox News  "The WSJ's Peggy Noonan said Harris 'couldn't or wouldn't answer a single question straight' "

. . ."Critics online accused the vice president of offering rambling commentary that didn't seem to have much substance. 

"Oprah is looking at this moron thinking, "What the sh*t is she saying?" Unbelievable CRINGE," author Juanita Broaddrick wrote on Thursday.

" 'The fact that she is within 20 points of Trump is a depressingly sad commentary on the state of our body politic and the media that poisons it,," attorney David Limbaugh wrote. "Stunning."

" 'To call this pablum is an insult to pablum," ReaclClearPolitics co-founder Tom Bevan said on Friday. 


" 'This might just be the most spectacular two minutes of Kamala’s nonsensical wisdom I have ever heard," political commentator Kate Hyde wrote on Thursday.

"Writer Steve Skojec also responded to the video on Thursday: "I can't. I can't do it. I made it 17 seconds and I just cannot continue.' " . . .

James Woods ...Hilariously BRUTAL Cartoon – Twitchy   "Every time Kamala Harris or Tim Walz say something about 'not going back' anyone with half a brain in the heads should see a giant red flag. Going back to what, exactly? Secure borders? Safer communites? A booming economy? Job growth? Women's spaces and sports protected? Peace? Prosperity?  Why WOULDN'T we want to go back to that?" . . .

Kamala's Celebrity Brigade and Their Reasons for Supporting Her Show Just How Out of Touch She Is  
"Meanwhile there was very little policy or answers from Harris, just a bunch of word salads, as I reported earlier. And they can't get around the fact that she's been in office now and has only made things worse. You can't pretend to be the "new" candidate when you're essentially the incumbent." 

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