Wednesday, July 10, 2019

'Frankly, Megan, I don't give a damn'

Silvio Canto, Jr.  "The ladies won and let's salute them.  The TV ratings were great and everyone is happy.  
"How does this translate to more people watching women play soccer in the U.S.?  I hope it does but women's pro soccer has not been good at selling tickets.
Cropped from Wilkow
"Actually, not everyone is happy.  I am not happy and lots of people I've heard from are not happy.  
"First, the tournament showed that international women's soccer is a total mismatch.  In other words, there aren't enough good women's soccer teams in the world.  The U.S. is obviously "the queen" of soccer and will only get better because our young women have more resources. 
"On that point, it did not help that some of the ladies showed so little class, as when they pounded Thailand 13-0!
"Second, someone should remind the ladies that they are wearing the U.S. uniform not "blue states."  They should show respect for U.S. fans who don't like to see flag disrespected.   
"In particular, the outspoken Megan [Rapinoe] who thinks that she was put on this planet to talk politics:  " . . .

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