Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Seven Facts About Obama’s Immigration Record Liberals Refuse to Admit

PJ Media

. . . Obama built the cages for immigrant children. Not even Snopes could deny this one. Two former Obama administration officials have publicly acknowledged this fact, and the media even reported on the migrant detention facilities that were built by the Obama administration—but those reports lacked the outrage you see today. There is a lot of photographic evidence of migrant detention facilities during the Obama years, with children crowded in caged areas, sleeping on concrete floors, that just didn’t resonate with the media or the political left at the time. It's almost as though they were trying to protect Obama's legacy.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson visits the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Nogales Placement Center June 25, 2014
"For months, Democrats accused President Trump of manufacturing a border crisis for political purposes. Because of this, they’ve generally refused to work with Trump or Republicans to do anything about it. They’re singing a different tune now, however, but instead of blaming Trump for manufacturing a crisis, they’re blaming him for the crisis. All the negative news we’re hearing from the border has Democrats pouncing, hoping to pin the blame on Trump and policies.
"But when you look at the facts, it’s clear that while the crisis wasn’t manufactured, the Democrats’ outrage is. For years, they’ve stood idly by as the issues they now are hoping to turn into political footballs were going on in plain sight without a peep. Why? Because when it happened under Barack Obama they cared more about his image than the immigrant children and families they pretend to be advocating for today.
"Below are seven facts about Obama’s immigration record that liberals are in complete denial over." . . .

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