Monday, December 20, 2010

Where's the Wikileaks proof that 9/11 was an inside job?

Rush Limbaugh    Where is...? I want to ask this to the Reverend Jackson: Where are the WikiLeaks cables proving that the CIA invented AIDS? Where is Obama's birth certificate? Where's the real good stuff? How about all the hundreds of other left-wing lies we've been hearing about for years? WikiLeaks is covering up for the United States? I got a kick out of this lead paragraph from the AP concerning the WikiLeaks stuff. "Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton knows how to try to get a laugh from a public embarrassment." (laughing) I'll say she does. (laughing) She's been doing it for decades! (laughing) The headline is: "Clinton Uses WikiLeaks Disclosures to Draw a Laugh." Well, she's got plenty of experience in that! I don't know, I just get a kick out of all this stuff.

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