Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Is the only country in the world you think does not have the right to exist the only Jewish state?

 Dennis Prager says:   "When I was in college, which was not recently, I was taught that a black cannot be a racist. And I remember thinking that's impossible. I mean, it's simply impossible. I couldn't believe I heard that, but every professor who addressed the issue said that.

I love Palestine!

"The world of the left is a make-believe world. There is one point that I would like to make that is extremely instructive and has not been noted. And that is these attacks are on Jews and they are coming from various Muslim extremists in the United States, obviously not from all Muslims, I'm not implying that, but people need to understand something they don't understand.

"The Middle East dispute is not over land. Israel is the size of New Jersey. It is smaller than El Salvador. There are 22 Arab states. There is a state with a majority of Palestinians called Jordan. The issue is not land. The issue is religion. Again, this is not what the left wants you to believe. They want you to believe it's over land. No, it's not. There is a big chunk of the Muslim world that would like to exterminate the Jewish state beginning with, of course, Iran. That is why if you look at the rhetoric, it's always "F the Jews," "F the Jews" in all of these attacks. It's never "F the Israelis." It's always "F the Jews."

"If the only country in the world you think does not have the right to exist is the only Jewish country in the world, then one has the right to infer that you have something against a Jewish state but not any other state.

"Imagine somebody saying, you know, I love Italians, I'm not anti-Italian, but I don't think Italy has the right to exist. You would say, sir, I'm not an idiot, you hate Italy and you hate Italians. That's the way it works. If the only state that can't exist on earth is a Jewish state, you have something against the Jews."

So those Arabs who did the act below loved Jews, but felt Israel had no right to exist. TD

"72% of Palestinians said they supported the Oct 7th attack."

"Joe Biden Shows He's a Disgusting, Dishonest Ghoul With Statement on Abundant Life Shooting "

 Mia Cathell  

. . ."Rupnow was a big fan of the KMFDM rock band, which was also referenced by one of the Columbine shooters. (She often ore the shirt of the band.)" 

. . ."According to investigative journalist Andy Ngo, she posted a purported "sneak peek" of the manifesto to her Discord account, "@brainedout." In the earlier version, Rupnow allegedly discussed a desire to "exterminate" all males, including infants and the elderly, in a rant apparently inspired by extremist culture among fringe social media circles.

" '[W]omen are the only hope for this wretched world," the declaration read, saying some women have also been "brainwashed" to "worship these f**king parasites." The writing further lamented these women who have "internalized the patriarchy" and are "always begging for male approval and validation."

" 'Its disgusting," the preview continued. "I realize the truth men are irredeemable [...] They cant be reformed or redeemed. Theyre a f**king scourge upon the earth. The only solution is to total exterminate them [...] Every single male must be wiped out, from babies to the elderly. Only then can women be free to create a new world."

" 'ill be a pioneer," the post's author declared. "ill be the first to take the first step. i dont care if theyr fathers, brothers, husbands, sons, teachers, police, and especially n—ers or politicians. ive been craving to kill them all.' " . . .  Much more...

If things had turned out differently, maybe Joe Biden would have pardoned her. TD

Joe Biden Shows He's a Disgusting, Dishonest Ghoul With Statement on Abundant Life Shooting 

. . ."Notice the mention of needing a ban on "assault weapons and high-capacity magazines." The problem? The shooter in this case used neither. Rather, she used a pistol, which is the one type of firearm Democrats constantly claim they don't want to ban. So why mention "assault weapons?" Because Biden is willing to stand on the bodies of dead children to promote policies that would have had no impact on this shooting. It's disgusting." 

Joy Reid Guest Proves Democrat Strategists Have Clearly Learned Nothing About Racial Politics


 . . ." DEI has run its course and found to be more damaging than helpful in pretty much every regard. It's this attitude that got the Democrat Party in trouble in the first place, as it forced the selection of leaders and advisors alike that are wholly disconnected from the people."

"Normally, when you touch a hot pan, you know from the searing pain in your hand that you shouldn't try touching it again. Democrat strategists touch the pan, feel the pain, and think the reason they feel pain is that they didn't touch the pan enough. 

"Or so it seems, based on one former Harris consultant's words on MSNBC's "The Reid Out" with Joy Reid. 

"Former Kamala Harris strategist Alencia Johnson joined Reid to discuss how the DNC's leadership needs a real change up. The solution? Get rid of the old white men running the party and replace them with "young women of color." 

Johnson made it a point to effectively say members of the squad are solid communicators, indicating that AOC had won over Trump voters in the past. 

According to Reid, the "gerontocracy" needs to retire, and recalled a time when Barrack Obama pushed the DNC aside and created his own organization within the party. She notes that the party is run by donors and consultants who don't want to embrace the new world media, and held up a solid example of AOC being able to reach people in that regard." . . . 

. . ."Still, I think it's odd that there's still an obsession with race and identity, despite the fact that there was a flat-out rejection of that focus in this last election. The left has a long history of seeing something not work and conclude that it didn't work because they didn't take it far enough. This is why you have outright racists in the party saying and doing blatantly racist things, and many leftists nodding along as if there's not a thing in the world wrong with this. 

"But this is also why you had many Democrats walking away from the party over the last few years."

Afghanistan Gets $122.5 Mil to Combat Gender-Based Violence under Taliban with no Follow Up

Judicial Watch

There is no telling where the hundreds of millions of dollars for gender-based violence have gone, and the feds do not seem terribly concerned about it." . . . 

 "In the latest scandal to rock the Biden administration’s massive Afghanistan aid boondoggle, the U.S. government has been derelict in its duty to measure the effectiveness of a $122.5 million investment to combat gender-based violence (GBV) in the Islamic nation after the Taliban took over, according to a federal audit. The investigation, conducted by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), also reveals that the administration failed in this case to follow government practices for monitoring implementation of its foreign assistance award. That includes collecting required progress reports, validating the data in those reports through site visits and other verification means and assessing the periodic performance reports of groups receiving taxpayer dollars to implement programs. Additionally, the State Department, the agency disbursing the cash, did not even “include any goals for preventing and responding to GBV in Afghanistan,” investigators found.

"Since the abrupt 2021 U.S. military withdraw, nearly $3 billion in humanitarian aid has flowed to Afghanistan and a chunk of it has gone to the Taliban, the terrorist group that currently runs the country. Judicial Watch has reported on this extensively, documenting hundreds of millions of dollars in American aid going to the Taliban this year alone. This occurs because the State Department fails to properly vet award recipients to comply with its own counterterrorism partner vetting requirements in Afghanistan and the money has gone to dozens of local entities with potential terrorist ties. The agency has a system to identify whether prospective awardees have a record of ethical business practices and is supposed to conduct a risk assessment to determine if programming funds may benefit terrorists or terrorist-affiliates before distributing American taxpayer dollars. But the State Department does not bother and fails to keep proper records." . . .

While the ICC issues arrest warrants for Israel's Netanyahu, a new film Indicts the Taliban's Murderous Treatment of Women.   Phyllis Chesler

[ICC has] issued warrants for Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu, but not for … the Taliban. Something is wrong with this picture.

"I’ve just watched the film Bread and Roses, co-produced by actress Jennifer Lawrence and Nobel Laureate Malala Yousefzai, and directed by Sahra Mani.
"If only American women were half as brave as the on-camera real-life women activists in Kabul! We see them willing to risk being beaten, arrested, tortured, and even murdered by the Taliban because they’ve  dared to demonstrate for “Work, Bread, and Education.”
"Wearing hijab, but naked-faced, identifiable, these heroes march, chant, hold placards aloft, scrawl their demands on walls and even on the snow, meet secretly — and continue to do so even as the Taliban death-threatens, beats, and arrests activist after activist, even after they murder many. The women demand the return of their arrested sisters — and in one instance, they actually prevail.
Strong Women Against the Taliban
"Bread and Roses
 depicts Afghan women who tried to get to the airport on the days before the Taliban stormed into Kabul; they found that all the airport “gates” were closed to them. Thereafter, the women left behind were, essentially, placed under house arrest, forbidden to work, (even if they were doctors and dentists), forbidden to attend school, go out without a male escort and without wearing the Afghan burqa, the garment I view as a sensory deprivation isolation chamber.
"Both schools and beauty shops were shuttered. Music was forbidden. Impoverished families began selling their very young daughters to much older, already married men.  Women were forbidden to take taxis alone.
"Courtesy of body camcorders and hidden cameras, we see these women activists being beaten by the Taliban with whips and sticks." . . .

Biden's full list of clemency and commutation recipients revealed

"How many professionals were fired from their careers and expert livelihoods because they refused to inject an untested experimental vaccine into their bodies? What sort of clemency and pardon can he bestow on those non-criminals who were unjustly persecuted by the Biden government?" From the comments to the following post.

. . ."The move from Biden set a new, single-day record for clemency under any president, and it comes after he pardoned his son, Hunter, earlier this month. The controversial pardon of his son put pressure on Biden from others in the Democratic Party to issue additional pardons. 
"Biden said Thursday that he plans to take more steps during the next few weeks before he exits the Oval Office.
" 'My Administration will continue reviewing clemency petitions to advance equal justice under the law, promote public safety, support rehabilitation and reentry, and provide meaningful second chances," Biden said in a statement released by the White House.
"A list provided to Fox News Digital by the White House indicated that all 39 pardons had been given to only non-violent offenders, many of whom had been convicted of drug crimes. Drug offenders were labeled as much on the list, but no other details were given about the non-drug-related, non-violent offenses committed by the list of 39 pardons.
"The list did go into extensive detail as to why each of the 39 pardons was deserved, citing examples of community engagement, professional and academic accomplishments." . . .

It looks as if Justin Trudeau’s reign of terror and error in Canada may be ending

Andrea Widburg  

"With his minions fleeing, Trudeau is seriously contemplating resigning, as well he should. In a parliamentary system, when the premier’s party has lost confidence in him, he’s got nothing:" . . .

Technically speaking, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s third term of office is supposed to last until October 2025. In fact, Trudeau, who has turned Canada into a totalitarian nuthouse, is watching his government collapse around him and may soon resign. (Indeed, he may be gone by the time you read this.) With luck, his place will be taken by Pierre Poilievre, a smart, witty conservative who may yet save that country.

Trudeau comes by his loopy leftism, honestly, because his father was Canada’s leftist prime minister when Trudeau was born in 1971. More than that, his mother was Margaret Trudeau, who worshipped Fidel Castro. (Indeed, many suspect that Justin’s DNA daddy wasn’t Pierre but was Fidel.)

Trudeau started his working life as a teacher. During that time, he wore blackface and groped women. You know...typical leftist stuff." . . .

How to respond when the liberal press ambush you

 Average Canadian right now


Obama Floats Pardon “Trial Balloon” Amid Deep State Frenzy to Get on the List; UPDATE from Andy NGO

 Jerome R. Corsi

"What Obama fears is that Biden might be persuaded to issue a sweeping set of Deep State pardons to a list that would include various top-level Obama administration officials like former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and former Attorney General James Comey who potentially could be forced to provide damaging criminal testimony against him."

"When does Barack Obama ask Susan Rice to petition Joe Biden for a presidential pardon for himself? With the pardon frenzy buzzing around the Biden camp, a trial balloon for an Obama pardon has already begun drifting toward the Oval Office.

"Biden will be well advised to limit his pardons to members of his own family. In his NBC News Meet the Press interview on Sunday, December 8, Trump explained that he had no intention of appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Joe Biden, despite Biden’s enthusiasm to raid Mar-a-Lago under the authority of Jack Smith, the special prosecutor the Biden administration appointed in an attempt to convict and incarcerate Trump in federal criminal prison.

"Nevertheless, given the resistance coup d’état that the Deep State has waged against Donald J. Trump since before the first inauguration on January 20, 2017, the fear and loathing among Biden administration top-level operatives to beg for pardons attests to their awareness that the second Trump administration will witness justice administered by a righteous Trump Vindictus [i.e., translated from Latin: Trump’s Revenge]. Those petitioning now for pardons are doing so because they know the crimes they have committed, and they are afraid that with the massive declassification of information that the incoming Trump administration is planning to make public, their guilt will no longer remain hidden." . . .

"All that is left now is for the Antifa/Black Lives Matter chorus to wail in their final song and dance routine to sum up the conclusion of this pathetic treasonous tragedy, stressing for the audience the conclusion that in the end, the brilliance of the sun remains the antidote in a play where lies are disinfected, justice prevails, and God always wins!"

UPDATE: Andy Ngo: Why Antifa Almost Killed Me "Raised in Portland by Vietnamese refugees, Andy Ngo knows the dangers of left-wing radicalism. As a journalist, he was brutally assaulted by Antifa during a protest, leaving him with lasting injuries. Despite relentless threats, Andy continues to defend America and expose the violent agenda of the radical left through fearless journalism."