Saturday, May 19, 2012

Obama: Stop Condescending to Women

You knew they would print this,
 didn't you?
NY Times, er...wait! What?  "I have always admired President Obama and I agree with him on some issues, like abortion rights. But the promise of his campaign four years ago has given way to something else — a failure to connect with tens of millions of Americans, many of them women, who feel economic opportunity is gone and are losing hope. In an effort to win them back, Mr. Obama is trying too hard. He’s employing a tone that can come across as grating and even condescending. He really ought to drop it. Most women don’t want to be patted on the head or treated as wards of the state. They simply want to be given a chance to succeed based on their talent and skills. To borrow a phrase from our president’s favorite president, Abraham Lincoln, they want “an open field and a fair chance.”

"In the second decade of the 21st century, that isn’t asking too much."
Campbell Brown is a former news anchor for CNN and NBC.

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