Friday, December 5, 2014

Death Is A Fearful Thing, But Not Always Lonely

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

Rabble Writer   "Eric Garner is dead. That’s how you begin. Say his age. Where was he from? Who has he left behind? Explain how he died.
"Say who is to blame.
"Now you have your story. This week, we all have the same story. And the same question to answer: Who, exactly, is to blame? The system? Daniel Pantaleo, certainly. His hands, his elbow, his decision … all killed Eric Garner, that much is a certainty. This is not alleged, it is fact eternal, recorded on video, admitted by all, confirmed by autopsy. Daniel Pantaleo is the reason Eric Garner is dead.
The writer lays out the list of causes leading to Mr. Garner's death, but I especially chose this one which I see as the enabling factor bringing all the other motives into play:
"The government? Much has been made of the tax that has resulted in the criminal enterprise of selling cigarettes person to person. The nanny state oppressor cum executioner, wielding the headsman’s axe of oppressive law and unreasonable taxation. Under the weight of oppression many a back has been broken and man pushed to resist. That has been a matter of life and death at times. Well then, that must be to blame."
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

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