Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Hillary, the orator,...speaker,....um, reader.

In Hillary's sincere, passionate addresses, what is the longest you have seen her go without looking down at what she is supposed to say?  And with those teleprompters, what's with having to look at the printed text on the stand?

Hillary campaign outrages press pool  "Hillary Clinton reinforced her well-deserved reputation for arrogance and seriously aggravated the media covering her campaign with an unprecedented attempt to choose who will be permitted to act as pool reporter. Annie Linskey of the Boston Globe reports:" . . .
This is yet another bone-headed move by the Hillary campaign. Not only does it look bad and make rational people shudder at how she would behave if elected president, it also encourages the lapdog media to turn against her.

Hillary Clinton’s somnolent* speech. . . "The Atlantic’s Molly Ball mused, “Clinton’s advisers worry about the lack of passion the candidate elicits, but Saturday’s speech was so non-rousing as to make one wonder whether that wasn’t intentional—was it an attempt to bring Clinton down to earth, to make her ordinary? To deflate the aura of fame that clings to her and turn her into just another candidate, one who is solid and sensible and not too flashy, with lots of concrete plans?” It might be simpler than that: She is a remarkably unoriginal and uninspiring pol." Jennifer Rubin 
*Somnolent: 1. Drowsy; sleepy.; 2. Inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific  (The asterisk tells you I had to look the word up)

She seemed to mostly read the speech

 Mitt Romney:  "When you see her on a stage or when she comes into a room full of people, she's smiling with her mouth but her eyes say, 'Where's my latte?'"

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