Monday, January 11, 2010

How to read "Game Change"

Christian Science Monitor "...The book, by two high-profile campaign reporters, is only being released today. But it is already making headlines of the least attractive variety." In the book: ------------Obama never thought much of Biden "Will Obama keep Biden as Veep in 2012? Now that this information is out, I don't see how he can." ------------Hillary accused Obama of cheating in primaries "But this is the first we've heard about Obama busing in Chicagoans to vote in the Iowa caucuses. Could it be that the reason we're not reading about it elsewhere is that it rings true?" This from the NY Times; ----------Then this: John Edwards - Henpecked husband? "The New York Magazine piece is a long read but well worth it. I guarantee you will never look at John or Elizabeth Edwards in quite the same way again."

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