Wednesday, February 3, 2010

America Rides Off into the Sunset; The only people excited about the “change” in America's foreign policy are the world’s bad actors.

Victor Davis Hanson ,NRO "But, unfortunately, national leaders themselves do not behave like excited concertgoers or European intellectuals. Instead, they have only long-term self-interests — not temporary emotional crushes — and so seek to expand their influence whenever they can.Obama had better understand that difference. A world without strong U.S. leadership really would become a far more dangerous place where the strong do as they please and the weak obey as they must. After World War II, a reluctant America guaranteed a global system of secure trade and encouraged free-market capitalism and democracy. Both Communist and fascist tyrants fought those efforts, eager to expand totalitarianism beyond their borders. Envious allies and neutral countries that benefited enormously from the American-enforced system resented the high profile of the United States. All that responsibility was unpopular and costly for the United States."

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