Monday, April 12, 2010

Time to Change the Rules of Engagement

American Thinker  "Taking their cue from Hollywood, the ruling leftist elites deliberately view and project conservatives through a lens that distorts reality, and turns us all into one of several ridiculously simplistic and/or insultingly stereotypical caricatures. Here are just a few of their favorites:
"1. Old, white, fat cat, cigar chomping, alligator boot-wearing Capitalist robber barons-----
 2. Bible thumping, fundamentalist, white, Christian, whacko Jesus freaks-----
 3. Ignorant, inbred, racist, morbidly obese, white, middle-American Wal-Mart patrons-----
 4. War-mongering, gun-toting, white, neo-Nazi, Fascists-----
"The desired effect is to evoke imagery of social pariahs -- political lepers, so to speak."  Evan Mackey

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