Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cal Thomas column on Helen Thomas spiked

KnoxNews "Perhaps Cal Thomas's column hits too close to home like, oh, this: (Helen) Thomas long ago crossed a line and she finally ended up paying the price. It's a sad end to her life's work, but even sadder is how the rest of the media were willing to go along for the ride."....
"Has Thomas forgotten that many of the Jews she wants to "go home" to Germany and Poland had relatives who died in the Holocaust because they could not escape from those countries? One -- but by no means the only -- reason Israel was reconstituted as a nation in 1948 was so that Jews would have a place to go should their existence again be threatened."

This RabbiLive Guy Better Get His Priorities Straight "He put his son's education ahead of a blockbuster blog post, Rabbi sat on Thomas scoop as webmaster-son took exams:"...

Here it is The HELEN THOMAS INTERVIEW-Part II  "On the other side of the Camera was a Rabbi, his son, and his son's school buddy, all three were wearing yarmulkas, Thomas should have had the self-control to understand that maybe she should tone down the rhetoric a bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Helen is the only honest journalist in the USA. She calls it how it is and not how the jewish controlled media want. A truely remarkable person. A healthy media is a healthy democracy. One must hear both points of view to make an informed decission. Unfortunatly when one side controles the industry there is no other view. I thank here for all her years reporting the other point of view. The Nazi's controlled the german media and see what happened there. I wish her a fantastic retirement. Thank you Helen....Ray R XX