Thursday, June 10, 2010

How the White House is Making Oil Recovery Harder

Morning Bell "And when the federal government isn’t sapping the initiative and expertise of local governments, it has been preventing foreign governments from helping. Just three days after the Deepwater Horizon explosion, the Dutch government offered to provide ships outfitted with oil-skimming booms and proposed a plan for building sand barriers to protect sensitive marshlands. LA Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) supported the idea, but the Obama administration refused the help. All told, thirteen countries have offered to help us clean up the Gulf, and the Obama administration has turned them all down."....
"According to one Dutch newspaper, European firms could complete the oil spill clean up by themselves in just four months, and three months if they work with the United States, which is much faster than the estimated nine months it would take the Obama administration to go it alone."  Emphasis mine.
Options to plug the BP oil spill available, but Obama ignores them "During the Iraq War, President Bush sent in Red Adair's oil capping company into Kuwait. Red Adair's private company capped 628 sabotaged, booby-trapped, and blown up burning rigs in less than 9 months. Obama has capped exactly 0 oil wells in almost 2 months.  How's that government boot on the throat of BP working out for ya?"

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