Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wonder Woman the Non-American: How Soon Will She Be Wearing A Burqa?

  by Phyllis Chesler   "Well, I like the new Wonder Woman’s long pants—out with the ice-skater’s skirt, in with the long, black action-leggings! But, post-9/11, I do not like her non-American, and therefore her anti-American costume.
"There was a time when Americans were at their most American by absorbing immigrants from every country and culture in the world; when Americans gloried in traveling everywhere (I certainly did). This presupposed a strong American currency and a world which either feared or loved America; sometimes, both sentiments applied.
"Now, the world—well tutored by propagandists both here and abroad—despises America. And, many Americans are ashamed of their own country."

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