Thursday, August 19, 2010

Radical Islam's conquest of America (Updated)

Washington Times "It is not coincidental that the mosque's name, Cordoba House, takes after the city in southern Spain that marked one of radical Islam's greatest conquests in Europe during the Middle Ages. Cordoba was a major center in the global caliphate being erected by the rampaging Islamists of the time - the very caliphate that Osama bin Laden and his allies seek to restore. A giant mosque was built upon the ruins of a Catholic church. For Islamists, erecting mosques on defeated territories is a sign of subjugation - the submission of infidels to Allah's rule."

One more reason (as if you needed it) to oppose Ground Zero mosque "The New York Post is reporting that Iran may help fund the mosque overlooking Ground Zero:"...Rick Moran

MORE ON THE MOSQUE OUTRAGE "While you may be a voter who votes in November solely based on a politician's stance on the mosque in NYC, don't forget that these people will have a direct affect on other aspects of your life. Make sure you know who you are putting into office in November. Look what happened last time we had people voting based on slogans and single issues ...." Neal Boortz.

The Cynical Brilliance of Imam Rauf "To the radical Islamists, a mosque rising near Ground Zero well before a new World Trade Center is constructed is a message of Islamic triumphalism — in the long tradition of minarets on the conquered Santa Sophia in Istanbul, the eighth-century Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem rising on the site of the destroyed Jewish Second Temple, and the great mosque at Cordoba retrofitted from the gutted Christian Church of St. Vincent. Again, there are thousands of sites in New York where another mosque could be built; but without the Ground Zero resonance, the irony would be lost." Victor Davis Hanson

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