Monday, September 13, 2010

Sebelius, WH tactics on ObamaCare dissent “thuggery”

Hot Air "Last week, I wrote about the threat from Kathleen Sebelius to lock out insurers who dared to dissent from the official ObamaCare line of lower costs and bigger benefits for all. Today, both Michael Barone and the Wall Street Journal attack the White House and Sebelius for their “thuggery” in attempting to silence straightforward and rational criticisms as well as perfectly predictable increases in premium rates from accelerated mandates. Barone calls this an example of “gangster government“:"...

Gangster government stifles criticism of Obamacare "The threat to use government regulation to destroy or harm someone's business because they disagree with government officials is thuggery. Like the Obama administration's transfer of money from Chrysler bondholders to its political allies in the United Auto Workers, it is a form of gangster government." Michael Barone.

Political thuggery from HHS. "ObamaCare includes a slew of mandated benefits for next year, such as allowing children to remain on their parents' plans until age 26 and "free" preventative care (i.e., no direct out-of-pocket cost sharing for consumers). The tone of Ms. Sebelius's letter suggests that she doesn't understand that money is exchanged for goods and services, and that if Congress mandates new benefits, premiums will rise."

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