Friday, October 8, 2010

The Forgotten Evil behind the Iron Curtain

American Thinker  "Sadly, younger Americans know almost nothing of the world described in these books or understand the significance of the West's victory in the Cold War. Some just do not understand why "we couldn't all just get along." It is almost incredible, in retrospect, that some Americans were advocates for the political and economic system that took hold in the USSR and East Germany." Via Bruce Kelly

Che Guevara: Assassin and Bumbler  "Che Guevara was monumentally vain and epically stupid. He was shallow, boorish, cruel and cowardly. He was full of himself, a consummate fraud and an intellectual vacuum. He was intoxicated with a few vapid slogans, spoke in clichés and was a glutton for publicity.
"But ah! He did come out nice in a couple of publicity photos, high cheekbones and all! And we wonder why he's a hit in Hollywood."

All that time fighting capitalism...   "...only to end up making capitalists rich selling t-shirts of his face to ignorant, white, middle class, wannabes who wear his image with their name brand sneakers, designer jeans, and Axe body spray while sipping Starbuck's Coffee. "

Times of India photo

Celebrities Lend Their Names to a Bad Cause  "“Judicial evidence in an archaic bourgeois detail,” proclaimed the Castro’s regime’s chief hangman, Che Guevara. “We execute from Revolutionary conviction..And we will continue executing!” Whereupon the regime co-founded by Che Guevara proceeded to jail political prisoners at a higher rate than Stalin’s and murder them at a higher rate than pre-war Hitler’s. Needless to add, Che Guevara ranks as top T-shirt icon for protestors against U.S. judicial procedures, especially capital punishment, who include most of the above-mentioned celebrities. "

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