Friday, October 1, 2010

The Right to Bury Your Son in Peace (Updated)

Blackfive  ""I had one chance to bury my son in peace and they took it away from me." - Albert Snyder, father of Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder, about the Westboro Baptist Church that protested Matthew's funeral."

Westboro Baptist Church Picket Schedule  Where they will be in October and November including this appearance on Veteran's Day:
"WBC will picket the Veteran's Day Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to remind this nation that God is Doomed america's enemy and He himself fights against you. Because this nation has raised her clenched fist to God and said "We hate instruction. No! We will not obey!," He curses you by killing your young men in their prime. Instead of worshipping their dead corpses, you ought to turn and repent and worship your God. He alone has the power to tear you into pieces and cast you into Hell forever. "
From the Westboro site. As a Christian and a believer in the atonement Christ made for us on the cross, I utterly condemn this "church"s actions and beliefs.

On the bright side, there are the Patriot Guard Riders  "It all started back in early August of 2005 with the American Legion Riders chapter 136 from Kansas. They were appalled to hear that a fallen hero’s memory was being tarnished by misguided religious zealots who were protesting at funerals. They decided to do something about it."  God bless 'em.

Tribute to the Patriot Guard Riders "They came from miles away to stand in the blazing sun, holding their flags in honor of my nephew. They are my heroes..."  Video and sound.

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