Saturday, October 2, 2010

Schools and Civic Knowlege

Teachers and the Decline of Civic Knowledge  The American  "The significant decline of civics knowledge is important not just in itself, but also as an indicator of the general change that was occurring in American schools. Civics is a school subject. If students do not know civics it is mostly because the schools have not taught it to them, a fact that reflects not just irresponsible complacency about the proper function of schools in a democracy, but also the more general anti-intellectual orientation and complacency of the schools towards merely academic subjects."

High Schools, Civics, and Citizenship: What Social Studies Teachers Think and Do  "From a nation’s history, to its economic structure, politics, and constitutional order, a teacher can inspire appreciation or revulsion, mindless conformism or gratuitous agitation, boredom or wonder. Social studies teachers are uniquely positioned to frame and inform students’ outlook about the nation, to tell the story of who we are. This study revolves around an essential question: what are teachers trying to teach our youth about citizenship and what it means to be an American?"
Read this full report from American Interprise Institute- 61 pages.

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