Thursday, December 9, 2010

Julian Assange’s EgoLeaks

Victor Davis Hanson "In truth, Assange is a sorry product of the postmodern West. He reminds us of the morality of Western shock artists who freely caricature Christianity on the hallowed principle of free speech, but, in a nano-second, censor themselves when Islam might provide an even larger target for their cynical secular disdain. WikiLeaks is the journalistic equivalent of a Piss Christ exhibition of the contemporary art world — a repellent reminder of the cowardly selectivity of the shock-jock huckster."
The yellow font is to make sure nobody misses this. Remember: never, never call a leftist activist "courageous". This fatwa will remain in force until I see an example of  courage come from a liberal, leftist, "progressive" activist. So far I've waited all through Vietnam and up to today. However, having said all that...

The Real WikiLeaks Villian Is Not Julian Assange  " Say what you want about Berkeley, but they got it right this time, in their own sick way: If you’re going to praise the America-hating traitor responsible for this incident, your award should go to Manning, who actually leaked the secret government files, rather than Assange, who merely put them on his Web site."

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