Thursday, January 27, 2011

Darrell Issa reveals list of investigations

Politico  "According to an outline of hearing topics obtained by POLITICO, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee is also planning to investigate how regulation affects job creation, the roles of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the foreclosure crisis, recalls at the Food and Drug Administration and the failure of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission to agree on the causes of the market meltdown." 

Chairman Issa’s Response to State of the Union  "We agree that American job creators deserve the opportunity to succeed and grow here in the United States. The first step is listening to the personal stories of job creators, innovators and entrepreneurs about how government impacts job creation.” 
Contact info for Rep. Issa

House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform  This committee has 41 members. Click to learn about them and about upcoming committee meetings.

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