Sunday, February 20, 2011

Apocalypse Now: Wisconsin vs. Big Labor

Michelle Malkin  "This modest call for shared sacrifice has triggered the wrath of the White House-Big Labor-Michael Moore axis. On Thursday, President Obama lamented the "assault on unions." AFL-CIO and Service Employees International Union bosses dubbed Walker the "Mubarak of the Midwest" while their minions toted posters of Walker's face superimposed on Hitler's. Moore goaded thousands of striking union protesters to "shut down" the "new Cairo" while the state's Democratic legislators bailed on floor debate over the union reform package."

Wisconsin protests orchestrated by White House Video from Fox News featuring Democrats and the teacher's unions.

1 comment:

Ronbo said...

It's becoming more clear by the day that the Labor Unions - especially the Public Sector ones - are nothing more than the storm troopers of the Left under the control of the Adolf Obama.