Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Don’t Tap the Strategic Petroleum Reserve
Morning Bell  "According to White House chief of staff Bill Daley, the administration may tap into the nation’s oil safety net – the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) – in order to bring down the cost of fuel. Big mistake. While most folks want to pay less at the pump, dipping into our oil reserves is a short-sighted political ploy that papers-over a much bigger, long-term problem: the Obama administration’s continuing refusal to grant America access to its domestic oil resources." Also here.

A crude idea: Tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to ease gas prices  "...President Bill Clinton's election-year use of 30 million barrels in 2000 - prove the rule: It's best to interpret the 1975 law limiting use of the reserve to "severe energy supply interruption" strictly - lest global oil speculators start trading on U.S. gas-price politics along with all the other factors that roil the markets."

Dick Morris' take: Suspend the gas tax  "There is no better way to force Obama and the Democrats to battle for higher taxes than to raise the issue now and push it home."

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