Thursday, March 10, 2011

Unions Lose In Wisconsin

Boortz  "The truth is that now the government unions in Wisconsin have no stranglehold on the Wisconsin taxpayers, and the Wisconsin Democrats see a huge threat to future union campaign contributions.
"By the way ... this is a defeat for Obama as well. Obama was a force behind the union protests in Wisconsin ... even sending his "Organizing for America" squad to Wisconsin to participate in and organize the protests."

Wisconsin union curbs head for final vote amid protests   "The showdown between Wisconsin Republicans and Democrats over sweeping curbs on public union bargaining rights looked headed for a raucous final vote on Thursday after a Republican maneuver to pass the bill brought swarms of protesters back into the state Capitol."  More here.

REPUBLICANS FORCED TO FLEE MADISON After Senate Vote    "State Senator Glenn Grothman told Greta Van Susteren, “Madison was not safe for Republicans.”
"Sadly, that’s the reality when you’re up against raging leftist mobs."

WISCONSIN REPUBLICANS RECEIVE DEATH THREATS- Justice Dept. Investigating"The tolerant left strikes again…It’s not just Governor Scott Walker who is receiving death threats. Several Republican Senators received this threat last night by some violent leftist fool."
Don't worry; Attorney General Holder has your back.

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