Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Thomas Sowell: Political Statistics

Townhall  "When someone gives you a check and the bank informs you that there are insufficient funds, who do you get mad at? In your own life, you get mad at the guy who gave you a check that bounced, not at the bank. But, in politics, you get mad at whoever tells you that there is no money."
http://www.nationalreview.com/ Mike Ramirez

A Commendable Budget Proposal  "Today House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan unveils his plan to save America’s future. I expect that three aspects will get a lot of attention: the proposal for Medicare, the reform of Medicaid, and the ten-year budget numbers. However, I think the most important feature of the budget is a vision for the role of government that restores the promise of long-term fiscal sobriety, economic growth, and intergenerational fairness.
"Imagine this: It will pay off the national debt by 2050."

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