Monday, August 8, 2011

How can the government promote the economy? (Updated)

Get out of the way!    "So what can the government do to promote real job growth? Quite simply, get out of the way. We don’t need to teach the grass to grow; we just need to move the rocks off of it. The rocks weighing down on the economy are government rules and regulations — in other words, bureaucracy and overregulation."
Iain Murray heads the Center for Economic Freedom at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Roadblocks for Obama’s Pro-Jobs Bus Tour  "With those as the two most serious job-creating plans the president has proposed recently, it’s no wonder employers aren’t feeling much confidence right now."

Charles Krauthammer: How the super-committee can strike a Grand Bargain  "Conventional wisdom holds that the congressional super-committee established by the debt-ceiling deal to propose further deficit reduction will go nowhere. I’m not so sure. There is a grand compromise to be had. It does, however, require precise sequencing. To succeed it must proceed in three stages:"....

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