Tuesday, August 9, 2011

L.A. Riots: A Blast from Obama’s Past

National Review  "The release quotes Obama explaining the need for Project Vote by pointing to the rioting in Los Angeles. Said Obama in 1992: “The Los Angeles riots reflect a deep distrust and disaffection with the existing power pattern in our society.” That’s Alinsky-speak for “We’ve got to use the power of the angry underclass to put capitalism in check.” "

DC Democrat
Commented 1 hour ago in UK 60283
“I'm disenchant­ed with Obama as well, but I see in him a poor leader and negotiator­, not one who is blaming all problems on others. And, no, I'm not making the connection between Obama and the London rioters. Perhaps in your mind that makes sense.”  Huffpo

Does Obama “Hate” the Rich?  "Of course, our silver-tongued leader of the free world would easily defend his actions toward rich folk by taking us to the pulpit and reeling of his best Jesse impersonation, saying, "These folks got to pay their fair share. They got rich in America, so they owe America. You who struggle to pay bills and have tough times deserve some of their success. Can I get an Amen? These wealthy folks making over $250,000 must support those of you who quit school, committed crimes, made irresponsible relationship choices, had the Man keep you down and best of all voted for me. I know I got a witness here!" "  Raymond Dix Jr.

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