Friday, September 16, 2011

The Left turns on Obama as if he were culpable for pushing through the Left’s own agenda.

Victor Davis Hanson  The Left turns on Obama as if he were culpable for pushing through the Left’s own agenda.

"In response, the Left needs a sacrificial lamb. So it has nonsensically turned with a fury on Obama as if he were culpable for pushing through the Left’s own agenda. If Democrats do not blame the public’s anger on their once-beloved messenger, then they are left only with their message itself. And that is something they simply cannot accept."

                                                                                    Photo: Jacksonville Observer

I take no comfort in the left turning on Obama. It would be great if they had learned from Obama's policies that socialism was a bankrupt philosophy, but they did not. Their anger at him is only because Obama was not far enough left to suit them. Leftist Democrats (pardon the redundancy) have not seen- cannot be made to see- that socialism is a failure, but that is in the socialist gene; the Soviets stuck with it for seven decades with no sign of repentance yet. TD

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