Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh, the stupidity out there! Cornell Belcher: Cain's "Brainwashed" Remark Was "Racist, Bigoted"
RealClearPolitics  "Democratic strategist Cornell Belcher says there is a media "double-standard" over Herman Cain saying blacks have been "brainwashed." Belcher calls Mr. Cain a bigot and a racist and says this incident is a "teachable moment." "  Just when you thought every race card imaginable had been played, he comes up with this one.
Also here.

Here's everything you could want to read on this. Maybe more.

1 comment:

Bill Pyatt said...

Romney stated the comments from the White House Press Secretary were wrong. My opinion the WH will make untrue statements from now until they are gone. It's the ole Democratic way of doing business. When you are up against the wall, lie your way out.

Bill Pyatt